Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Valentine's Day Bunny Book Mark

There are SO many cute things to make with your kids for Valentine's Day... sweet, homemade things that family and friends can cherish, especially those you don't get to visit very often. Last year my kids and I cut out their handprints and attatched the ribbon to the hands that was the length of their arms- you've seen it, for the hug that wraps around you. Super fun! This year, I wanted something simple that everyone could use, but easy enough to not stress over making it: book marks! I thought of this when I came across the phrase: "Some Bunny Loves You".

There is a story behind why these simple words touched my heart... I will share it with you. Last May, my dear cousin passed away unexpectedly. We grew up together (literally, our land touched... I could see his window from mine) and were the same age. When we were young, he was always having this run-in with bunnies. He once caught a baby bunny for his mom- precious! He had several dreams about bunnies that he shared with us, and he even swore he saw the Easter bunny. After he died, all of us kept spotting bunnies, even some that would come right up to us. Our family stretches from FL to MI, and I know bunnies are everywhere, but it was still pretty awesome of God to give all of us this comfort. I remember one downpouring rain day, a week after he passed, I was washing the dishes and staring out the window. Out of no where, two bunnies came bounding out and were jumping around eachother, over and under and in crazy circles like they were playing an extreme game of tag- and all this in the pouring rain! They played for several minutes and I stood there watching, eyes pouring with the rain. I miss him so, but I thank God that I know where my cousin is, in heaven with God. He is happier now than he could ever be, completely at peace and safe. Thank you, Jesus!

When I thought of Valentine's Day, I thought of how much my family and I loved my cousin, and how much he loved and what an encouragement he was to others around him. I wanted these book marks to carry on his legacy and remind my family and friends (and maybe even a random stranger) that "Some Bunny Loves You!" Because they do.
And here is my beautiful daughter holding one of our completed book marks!
My kids are 3 and 5... I had them sign their names on the back too :)

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